favorites growth

Settling In

For many of us there can be a sense of clinging to an idea of a life other than the one which we are living. We may be living our lives, but we live them without a contentment and acceptance of that which we have been granted or have created. We may idealize a relationship […]


Prop 34 and Ending the Death Penalty – an Act of Spiritual Evolution

Although most people are paying significant attention to the presidential race here in America, most people I talk with in California are not aware that there is a ballot proposition (Prop 34 – aka the “Repeal the Death Penalty” proposition) which would ban the death penalty in California, thereby converting the sentences of the 724 […]

diet ethics

The Great Animal Holocaust

Today we are living through and largely partaking in what I believe will someday come to be known as The Great Animal Holocaust. As a global society, we eat the flesh of animals as part of our diets. Some regions, groups, and individuals, including myself, may choose otherwise, but by and large we consume animals […]

Eastern Europe

VIsiting Auschwitz

I went to Auschwitz and Birkenau today, and it was a challenging experience. I hated my guide. It was a hot day here in Poland and the trip over in a minivan with 6 other backpacker-types already proved challenging. Feeling anxious, my heart was beating fast and I was imagining myself being transported to the […]

Eastern Europe

Leaving for Auschwitz

I leave for Auschwitz in an hour. Even that sentence has an ominous quality, as if I’m going there not as a visitor but as a Jewish captive and can hear the trains rolling in on the tracks and there is a bustle about of people and suitcases, children and old people with canes. I’m […]

favorites growth

Choosing to Not Indulge Our Minds

I think we all have splits, to one degree or another, in our personalities. Part of us wants one thing while another part wants something else. We may want a bowl of ice cream, yet we may eschew that bowl of ice cream because of how we might feel it will impact our health or […]

speaking the truth

Speaking the Whole Truth – A Path to Authenticity

The more I am honest with myself, the more I realize that there is a distinct split between what we present to others and that which is actually our truth. This is not something that is necessarily intentional. We generally don’t mean to lie to others, and in many ways what I am talking about […]


Being In Love

I have a confession to make. I’m quite curious about what it means to be in love. Don’t get me wrong, I do love. I feel love very often, many many times each day, and tears can and often do come to my eyes just from the sensation of that love. But that love comes […]