Sailing spirituality

Exploring the Depths

Depth, when attributed to another person, is often a way to signify a sense of inner capacity, a wisdom cultivated over a lifetime of paying attention to and learning from one’s own inner workings and the lives and world around them. It is a capacity to be honored, to be revered, for within those who […]

spirituality technology

Technology Wants to Steal my Soul

Over the years, I’ve regularly had to come face to face with my tendency for addiction to technology. Facebook, Instagram and digital games all have had their way with me. Mobile phones and other devices are insidious little creatures, worming their way in through my eyes and affixing themselves to the more easily seduced parts […]

growth life VanLife

The Value of Pretty Much Nothing

I’m doing pretty much nothing, and I’m fairly sure that there isn’t anything one could add to make me happier. In fact, the less I do, the better everything seems. Seven days ago I arrived at the Hoh River in the Olympic National Forest on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington and have been trying my […]

favorites growth

“Nobody Gives a Shit” and the Sublime Aloneness

I’m in a very interesting place right now, one which has been fraught with struggle as well as blessed with perfection and liberation. What I’ve seen lately is that the more grounded and still I become, the easier it is for me to just “be” with others and listen to them. I’m finding that when […]


Contagious Love Experiment

Yesterday there was a confluence of events that has helped to open my eyes to the Practices of Kindness and Generosity. Three different things pointed that way and when multiple fingers point the same direction, it’s at least worth a look. So here’s the look… The first act of generosity and kindness came from my […]

favorites home poems & stories spirituality

As Me

I’m back in my home again, and what a sweet place it is to be. When I pulled into the driveway, I sat there for a minute anticipating the smell of the sea air (which is something I had really missed). I got out and it was intoxicating. The air here is so alive, the […]

india thailand

Readying for Re-entry

Resting here in Thailand with my father and his wife Sandra. Very nice and tranquil here, which is just what the doctor ordered. Sleeping deeply at night, except for last night where I was pleasantly awakened by a strong downpour on the tin roof of the sweet guest house of theirs where I’m staying. I’ll […]