growth spirituality

Phosphorescence, Knowingness and Totality

The other night I was in my hottub looking out at the ocean under a beautiful star-filled midnight sky.  There was no moon present so it was very dark, yet the waves had a luminance about them as they broke on the shore.  I pulled my camera equipment and tripod together and went down to […]

on traveling poems & stories

The House of Belonging

I’m so glad to be home. I wasn’t fully expecting this, but it’s just so nice being back here. I love this place, this ocean, the stars at night, the silences, the seals, the birds, my friends. Yesterday evening I walked out to the beach and went for a nice stroll. I’ve been craving getting […]


Ocean’s Breath of Life

I’m loving taking long walks on the beach lately. The ocean here is so different than oceans around the world. I’ve been in many places and have swam in many oceans, lakes and seas in my life, but there is an aliveness in this Northern California Pacific Ocean that I’ve never found anywhere else. While […]

favorites home poems & stories spirituality

As Me

I’m back in my home again, and what a sweet place it is to be. When I pulled into the driveway, I sat there for a minute anticipating the smell of the sea air (which is something I had really missed). I got out and it was intoxicating. The air here is so alive, the […]