growth spirituality VanLife

Hail the Holy Hammock! Appreciating the Power of Retreat

In order to get a handle on our own lives and orient toward a future which feels supportive to our souls, I believe it is imperative at times to simply stop. Getting caught up in the momentum of our lives is so easy that we simply react to whatever is in front of us rather […]


A View from Fifty

I said to one of my visiting friends the morning after my 50th birthday party, as I was carrying out some recycling: “after 50, chop wood and carry water.”  It’s a take off on the Zen saying: Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water; After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. I then added, “and […]

home india

Mooji and Returning to “I”

(started on 28-Jan-2010) Feeling very fragile right now. Very easily irritated and annoyed. I just want to be settled in somewhere that feels comfortable and like home. It’s been an ordeal trying to find a place to stay which feels comfortable and where I could stay for the length of my time here, and people […]

india thailand

Readying for Re-entry

Resting here in Thailand with my father and his wife Sandra. Very nice and tranquil here, which is just what the doctor ordered. Sleeping deeply at night, except for last night where I was pleasantly awakened by a strong downpour on the tin roof of the sweet guest house of theirs where I’m staying. I’ll […]