Being a Man favorites VanLife

Blind Spots

When I first bought my van, I remember driving and trying to merge into heavy traffic on my right side. Given the geometry involved and the lack of side windows, I simply couldn’t see sufficiently. I managed to navigate by getting out of the van, watching and waiting until the road seemed clear, hustling back […]

diet ethics

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

“I think we are blind. Blind people who can see, but do not see.” ~Jose Saramago~ I’ve been noticing lately, how many things there are that we hide from ourselves so we don’t have to truly acknowledge what’s really happening. I realized it in Thailand while there recently with my father as he was putting […]


Heart Break Ahead

I came to the realization after posting my last entry that my heart is going to break here in India, and probably break 100 times over. As amazingly open as I feel here, I am feeling the wall that protects my heart, that has such a very hard time letting the suffering in. I do […]