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Sadhu Life

Another magical day in Tiruvannamalai. My Sadhu friend Shiv met me in town and walked me the backwoods path to meet with several other Sadhus. They are basically renunciates of working society and have decided to live the life of a mendicant, sleeping outdoors or in temples, asking for alms, and generally leading a very […]

india Uncategorized

Full Moon Walk around Arunachala

I’m going to keep this one quick as it’s hot and I need to rest a little. Last night I walked around Arunachala by full moon with about 100,000 other people. What a scene. People just walking and walking, with roadside stops for food, many many temples with hundreds of people queued up to go […]


Holidays and Self Compassion

Spending the holidays here in Thailand where my father lives with his wife of 23 years, Sandra. Savoring time spent here as these times in life are all too rare when everyone is in good health and spirits. Trying my hardest to keep my heart open. Read a talk given by the Dalai Lama about […]


Experiencing Truth First Hand – The Unfolding Now

Woke up this morning and randomly opened up and read in “The Unfolding Now” by A.H. Almaas. He wrote very clearly about the truth that I have come to understand, through this blog and my life, as one of the only real truths we can experience – a personal knowing. Here’s what I read: If […]


Distance from Spiritual Core

I’ve noticed more acutely lately how dependent my spirit is upon exogenous factors. Something deep inside me knows that whatever happens in the world, that I am essentially the same and that nothing, nothing can ever change that. I have a deep spiritual belief that everything is perfect exactly as it is too, so why […]



Something continues to brew for me around the chasm between what is really true and what we see as true. Even as I sit here overjoyed that Barack Obama won the presidential election, others are sitting oppositely dejected that McCain lost. Isn’t there some objective truth that would become apparent after such a lengthy campaign? […]


Financial Panic and an Inner Yearning

Many of you may also be going through the same thing I have lately, a sense of dread and panic associated with the financial markets and our own financial condition. It seems like there is a chance that everything could really go to hell now as the financial / credit markets are no where near […]


Homeless Dream – Generosity

I had a bit of a nightmare last night. I dreamed I was with some other people including Cz and we were chatting with a homeless person in San Francisco. It was a very friendly interaction and in the midst of it he was trying to get me to give him $5 in exchange for […]