america VanLife work

Caught Up in the River of Capitalism

Sometimes the things we take for granted are exactly the things that we should question the most. The more and more I wander this lifetime, the more I gradually come to see that the underlying way we function as a society is truly off.  This realization began in earnest a couple of summers ago while […]

nepal work

Supremely Happy

I feel supremely happy. It was a phrase that hit me the other afternoon. I’ve been helping establish an online mathematics program here in Kathmandu for an orphanage (Nepal Orphan’s Home) of 140 or so kids (approx 110 girls and 30 boys). We’ve been starting slowly, the first day with 4 girls, added 2 boys […]


Finishing the Trek and Farewell to the Orphanage

I’ll spare you the details of the trek. I tried writing about it and I guess I’m just not excited much by a travelogue. The trek was enjoyable though and the highlights were waking up to breathtaking views of the Anapurna mountain range and meeting some village folk, sharing a smile and a laugh, and […]


Pokhara – Reflections of Beauty at an Orphanage

Today was my first day of volunteering at an orphanage here in Pokhara. One of the reasons I came to Nepal was to have an opportunity to help with kids. It has occurred to me over the past 6 months or so that connecting with an orphanage might provide for me a sense of satisfaction, […]