
Ancestral Lands Quest Begins

Hey, I’ve cranked out 100 posts now since I began this blog 2 years ago. Kind of exciting. I’d say that gives me room for a break. Actually I’ll be falling off the face of the earth for a week or so I think starting tomorrow or the next day. I’ll be attending a “Rainbow Gathering” in the Ukraine. I have a feeling I will come out of there a different human being.

After that, I’ll be working on tracking down my grandfather’s roots a little, going towards his hometown in Hotin, Ukraine, or is it Moldova. I’m really glad to be doing that. I think I’ll learn a lot, perhaps not factual information, but something about the energy of the place where some of my people come from. Would love to find an ancestral home somewhere, bit who knows what I’ll find.

Anyway, been in Budapest for several days now and it’s time to move on. Not much insight here lately. Mostly spending time wandering, shooting photos and seeing museaums. Some issues coming up around being alone as a traveler and some of the internal struggles that come of that. If I get a chance i work on exploring that a little further.

For now, I just wanted to write a quick post in case any of you begin to wonder where I’ve gone. I’ll be stirring a big vat of borscht with naked moon children dancing around outside…..

i love you

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