growth life work

Service and Self Worth

I’m recognizing how much our lives seem to be dictated by our perceptions of our own self worth. Questions of self worth seem to be pervasive in the human experience and play a great role in our motivations, both for self destruction as well as for moving in positive directions. I was recently writing in […]

growth nepal

Departing Nepal and Further Orphanage Connection

  I’ve departed Nepal, but not without already feeling like my life may have been permanently altered. I have loved Nepal. So much more to learn and explore here. Volunteering at the orphanage in Pokhara was great and my heart was very touched by the direct connection I was able to have with the kids.  […]

favorites growth

Settling In

For many of us there can be a sense of clinging to an idea of a life other than the one which we are living. We may be living our lives, but we live them without a contentment and acceptance of that which we have been granted or have created. We may idealize a relationship […]

favorites growth

Calcification, the Corollary to Human Maturity

I believe it to be true that the older we get the more wise and mature most of us become. It is a true blessing to outgrow the angst of youth and to become more and more the distillation of the person you have been meant to become. Rough edges are ground smooth, old behavioral […]

favorites growth

Choosing to Not Indulge Our Minds

I think we all have splits, to one degree or another, in our personalities. Part of us wants one thing while another part wants something else. We may want a bowl of ice cream, yet we may eschew that bowl of ice cream because of how we might feel it will impact our health or […]


Taking My Space – Performing Music Again

(written 2 days ago) I will be performing in a couple of nights, playing the piano and singing at a restaurant/bar in my town and I’m excited about it. It’s been a journey getting to this place again, and the journey continues as I move towards the actual evening. I’ve been noticing the tendency that […]

favorites growth

I Am an Ant Killer!

I am in ant killer! It’s true. I recently returned from being away from my home for about a month, and I walked into my kitchen only to find rivulets of ants flowing along the counters and cabinets. With rains just starting up, and with renters leaving little ant-tempting niblets tucked away around the kitchen, […]


Wanting Even That Which We Don’t Like

 I read something a week or so ago which pretty much stopped me in my tracks. It was one of those things, that, if true, would imply that perhaps my entire way of being may have been off for my entire life. The words have continued to both haunt and inspire me, so I thought […]